24,000 Veterans Misdiagnosed: Unqualified TBI Evaluations at VA Medical Centers
From 2007 to 2015, the VA used unqualified physicians to evaluate over 24,000 veterans’ traumatic brain injury (TBI) claims. Subsequently, this issue was uncovered by Minneapolis news team KARE 11, who found that 300 veterans at the local VA Medical Center were denied benefits due to improper exams. Moreover, KARE 11 revealed that only one in 21 medical professionals conducting initial TBI exams was a qualified specialist (psychiatrist, physiatrist, neurosurgeon, or neurologist). As a result, the majority of TBI claims in Minneapolis were processed using physicians outside of those categories.
The KARE 11 Investigation: Uncovering Improper TBI Exams
Shocking though the KARE 11 team’s discovery was, the Minneapolis VA Medical Center only represented the tip of the iceberg. After the KARE 11 investigation, the VA announced it would review all cases involving veterans with improper exams. As the VA investigated, the number swelled far beyond the mere 300 discovered in Minneapolis. Berry Law’s experienced veterans’ disability attorneys have been at the forefront of advocating for veterans affected by these improper TBI evaluations, ensuring they receive the benefits they deserve.
VA’s Response: Offering New Exams to Affected Veterans
In June of 2016, the VA began sending letters to each of the 24,000 veterans evaluated by unqualified personnel, offering them new exams. What should a veteran do if they receive one of these letters? There is no one right answer. It depends on the situation.
Preparing for Your Traumatic Brain Injury Re-evaluation
Alternatively, if a veteran receives one of these letters, but they are happy with their evaluation for traumatic brain injury, they should do nothing. In fact, nothing in this offer requires veterans to schedule an examination. Moreover, VA official Dave McLenachen reports that over 14,000 affected veterans receive TBI benefits. Therefore, if they believe they have received fair compensation, they should take no action. However, it’s important to note that scheduling an examination might result in a lower TBI evaluation.
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How Berry Law Advocates for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury Claims
Specifically, veterans with a zero or low TBI disability rating should consider accepting the VA’s offer for a new examination. Moreover, this decision can only help, especially for those rated at a zero percent evaluation. For those unsure about their rights or how to proceed, consulting with experienced veterans’ disability attorneys at Berry Law can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process. For tips on how to prepare for such an evaluation, see this blog post from February 2, 2016