When the owner or occupier of a property fails to address dangerous threats on the premises, visitors can sustain severe injuries. Any hazard on the premises of a business, private residence, or government property that leads to an injury could warrant a premises liability claim.
If you are unsure of your legal rights after an accident, call Berry Law to discuss the types of premises liability cases in Omaha. Because these cases are so unique, it is often in your best interest to consult an experienced premises liability attorney that can inform you of your rights based on your visitor classification.
Slip and Fall Accidents
Slip and fall accidents are the most common type of premises liability claims. Falling incidents can happen in private stores, such as supermarkets, retail shops, and restaurants. Someone could also slip in a parking lot or on the sidewalk outside a public building.
Wet floors, uneven steps, loose carpet, and dim lighting are all hazards that could cause someone to slip and fall. Business owners are responsible for addressing these types of dangerous conditions within a reasonable amount of time. Property owners are more likely to face liability when they wait to address a threatening condition on the premises.
You could also hold a property owner liable if he or she didn’t know about the hazard. A premises liability attorney can argue that the at-fault party should have noticed the issue and their failure to recognize the hazard constitutes negligence.
Animal Attacks
If a dog or other animal bites or attacks you, the pet owner is liable for your injuries. The opposing party may claim that you taunted the animal or trespassed onto private property. These accusations can have a big impact on your case. If you believe the defendant will argue that you provoked the attack, you should speak with a lawyer familiar with different types of premises liability suits.
Chemical and Electrical Hazards
Some premises liability claims involve contact with dangerous chemical substances or exposed wiring. You can often find these types of hazards on construction sites or factories.
A natural gas leak could also make an office building or private residence unsafe for visitors. Talk to a lawyer even if you believe the substance that harmed you was not overtly poisonous.
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Swimming Pool Incidents
A swimming pool can be dangerous, especially when the owner leaves it unattended. Even if you think you’re a good swimmer, unexpected hazards can have dangerous consequences.
The risks of drowning increases when there are faulty ladders or diving boards in the pool. Empty uncovered pools can also cause accidents. Many swimming pools are quite deep and can cause severe or fatal injuries if someone falls in. If you or your child sustained injuries at a pool or water park, a dedicated attorney can help you put together a premises liability claim.
Speak With an Attorney About the Types of Premises Liability Cases in Omaha
A successful premises liability claim can provide the financial compensation you need to offset your medical expenses and lost wages while are recovering from your injuries. Hiring an aggressive attorney is the first step in pursuing a claim. Call Berry Law today to schedule your initial consultation and discuss the types of premises liability cases in Omaha.