After being imprisoned for 17 years, and living a peaceful civilian life post-release, Caril Fugate (Charles Starkweather’s teenage girlfriend at the time of his killing spree) is looking to clear her name. John S. Berry, Sr., and Linda Battisti, an Ohioan trial attorney with the US Department of Justice, are helping Fugate’s cause through literature and advocacy.
The pair co-authored a book that details the horrors Fugate was witnessed to while on-the-run against her will with Starkweather. In the book, they lay out the argument that Fugate had no knowledge that Starkweather had killed her parents and sister and was forced to accompany him on his spree. Mr. Berry argues that much of what Starkweather said about her was untrue. “And yet those lies somehow have been adopted as kind of a folk wisdom here in Nebraska.”
To read more of the article, click here. To learn more on John S. Berry Sr. click here.